Nefertiti's Dr. Sevil Gizlenti

Specialist Dr. Sevil Gizlenti

Specialist Dr. Sevil Gizlenti

She was born in July 1984 in Gaziantep. She completed her primary education at Mehmetçik Primary School. After completing her secondary education at Istanbul Anadolu High School, she attended Istanbul Vehbi Dinçerler Science High School and graduated with honors in 2002. That same year, she started her medical education at Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine. She graduated as the top of her class in 2008. From 2008 to 2013, she completed her dermatology specialization training at Izmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, receiving the title of Dermatology Specialist (Dermatology and Venereology Specialist). After her specialization, she fulfilled her state service obligation by working at Kars State Hospital for approximately two years.

Between 2015 and 2016, she worked at Bakırköy Estethica Medical Center. From 2016 to 2018, she served at Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital. After completing her role at Esteworld Plastic Surgery Hospital in 2018, she opened her own doctor's office. Dr. Sevil Gizlenti's doctor's office is located on Vali Konağı Street in Nişantaşı, Istanbul. Dr. Sevil Gizlenti is involved in aesthetic and cosmetic dermatology as well as dermatological diseases at her doctor's office.